Rejection, however one wants to sugarcoat it, it is what it is, and it hurts. I’ve heard that many lessons, oft times missed, come with failing or being rejected. So, whatever you’re working to accomplish, hang in there, rejection is just a word, erase it, delete it and keep trying. Succeeding is somewhat the same as tackling a set of stairs or climbing a high hill. You start at the bottom and work at going up. Some hills are rocky, some steps are uneven. If the prize at the top is what your heart desires, then stepping higher or moving some rocks is worth all the hard work to achieving the apex.

Some of the most extraordinary prose ever put on paper was rejected. Zane Grey for instance, one of my favorites of bygone days was turned down by dozens of publishers, saying his books would never find an audience. He self-published his first book, and eventually was picked up by Harper Brothers Publishers. Zane Grey went on to write sixty-nine books during his career.

What about Louisa May Alcott? Louisa was told to stick to teaching. I’m thinking that publisher later kicked himself every way to Sunday. William Faulkner’s book Sanctuary was called unpublishable. In 1949 Faulkner won The Nobel Prize in Literature “for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel.”

John Grisham’s novel A Time to Kill was rejected by sixteen (16) publishers before finding an agent who eventually rejected him as well. Today his books stay on the NY Times best seller list for months and most have traveled the golden path to Hollywood and made into high grossing movies.

Last but not least there’s the great Dr. Seuss, loved by millions of children and adults alike. For years Dr. Seuss was, has been, and is my inspiration to keep writing. Ten years ago I had just gotten another one of those three line rejection notices from a New York agent, saying thanks, but no thanks. Needless to say, I was dejected, feeling a little sorry, no make that a lot sorry, for myself when I picked up the daily paper. In that paper was a quote that caught my eye, “Never give up, Dr. Seuss tried 23 times to get his first children’s book published.” I cut the quote from the paper, and taped it to my monitor where it has stayed for many years.

These gems of inspiration are not only for writers, but for everyone. To borrow a quote from my daughter’s, Lisa Capehart, website, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot

3 responses to “REJECTION”

  1. Persistence does pay off, Sonne. I worked for twenty years before becoming published with a publisher who soon after closed its doors.

    I was lucky to find another publisher soon after. The best thing that happened to me is that I joined a huge on-line critique group, and a New York editor read some of my work there. She offered to mentor me for free. It was meant to be because with her help I became published.

    Persistence is key.

  2. Great post Dearest!!
    I believe where there is a will, there is a way. We have to work to achieve our goals and with persistence and tenacity….you can succeed!

    Rejection is just a 9 letter word….same as Completed! <3

  3. Sonne, Loved your site. Your writing is superb. I foresee a number one seller in your future. I formed this opinion just by reading your blog. Can’t wait to read Heros.
